Hi! Today, I stared at my white shelf full of Popin' Cookin' sets in true dismay. I wanted to do a Set today-Finally. I have to build up the courage to use a set. I just can't handle it-Because, poof-After I'm done, I'M DONE. I can't spare the candy, keep the set, or the bags. Those deadly troopers called Ants will get to it. I COULDN'T use my NEW Popin' Cookin' Waffle Set! IT CAME OUT LAST MONTH! Or my Sushi Kit, STRAIGHT from my Japnaese Friends. My Bento Set? Ugh...I was trying to save that...But then I saw it. The Popin' Cookin' Gummyland Candy Kit! PERFECT! I snatched it and brought it to the stairwell. This is where it all begins...With my Candy Assistant, Preston Steven Murphey.
The first packet is the green one, it's the substance of the candy. Like the Gummy Base or like....I think. Then, we take the 3 Primary colors and put them into the rounded rectangles. Doesn't matter what order. But, with those colors, we will make different colors.
There goes Pres putting them in!
The first color were making is green--Blue and Yellow. After you put both in, stir.
Pres is going first! He decided to make a fish. It is SO simple to make one-Take the color in the Water-Picker-Upper, and put it on the fish/etc. It INSTANTLY makes it turn gummy. It's pretty cool.
Preston tries his creation! I say 'thumbs up if you like it, down if you don't'. He puts his thumb up. Cool! After I take the picture of that, he instantly put TWO thumbs up.
Now, it's my try at the game. Pres and I have made several more colors, carefully selecting the hue and contrast. We had a real sit-down talk with what colors to add-and what to avoid. It went like this-"Pres, we need some more colors." He nods. "Purple?" I say. "YEA! Oh, and what about a mix of ALL?!" "Genius!" I say. Anyway, I decided to do a giraffe! A several colored giraffe-A several colored light and cheery giraffe.
Preston was correct-It is quite good. But instead of gulfing it down, I've taken my Mom's technique. I ate it slowww....With the mini fork the kit came with! Carefully cutting off sections and slowly eating them. It made it seem like I had just eaten a cake! So, it tastes like Sour-Patch Kids, with a little gummy bear. but a big percentage of gummy is there-along with sour.
Pres made some more, I made some more-More colors, more candies. Frankly, it was like a little factory! If you have seen any Haribos commercials, you'll see it's a factory with a group of kids running it. It was like that.
We call this one-
Lime&Peach Hearts
We call this one-
Fail Flower! Because I tried to center the center, but it ended up one of the petals being yellow...
The last one we made took a LOT of patience-Because it was polka-dotted! Pres was beside me chanting "don't mix the colors! don't mix the colors!" So, obviously, I didn't mix the colors.
I took the Fail Flower and Polka-Heart (that's what we call the one above) And put them on my plate. I used American Girl Doll plates for this-I use it for a lot of Popin Cookin mainly because, well, Popin Cookin is SMALL. I could make a platter of gummy candy and put it on the plate, but it was too tempting to eat the others. But I forced myself.

As I saw this picture, I noticed one thing- THE FORK LOOKS HUGE. It looks so huge, it makes the plate look regular sized and the gummies look big, too.
That's all for today!!
~MaRsHmAlLoW pAnDa PuFfS~
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