Hey everyone! Shelby here and today I will be showing you all Popin Cookin edible clay how to!!!

I did this kit with my friend Margo and my brother Preston. I thought I had lost these files when they got inputted into the wrong format, but I found them. A year and a half later.
Anyway, there is the kit. I love it because it is sooo bright and cheery and colorful and cats and hamburgers, it's just happy. Also, this is Preston with his Japanese Candy Spray he gotten a few hours before.
The eggs and sausage is really cute, and thats the one Margo will be doing. But, my philosophy was
to be a creative genius and create my own food.
It comes with pink, blue, white, yellow, and a bit of black clay. It IS edible, like that peanut butter Play-dough people sometimes make. I know these clays look relatively large, and so does the kit, but each one is just a bit fatter and longer than my thumb. And the kit? Only the size of and width of let's say, the Little Women novel.
I took a bit of the yellow clay, and am rolling it out to make Tamago Sushi (learn more about sushi in my
Popin Cookin Sushi How to blog post!) Tamago sushi, If you don't know, is basically sushi omlet.
"Rice" If only real rice would be so nice as to mold easily, hmm?
Turning out pretty nice! (Notice the little detail I put into the Omlet Fish :3)
Finished product! Dude, I don't need no stinkin' instructions. C'mon.
Oh, and Margo is making eggs and bacon! (Cough cough, on the box instructions...) So far she has the eggs and the plate...I have to say the plate was hard to make. you had to make a bit of a rim on the outside so it wouldn't look like a food-colored pancake...The egg business was easy. Circle in circle...I suggest doing this when you get your first Edible Clay set.
finished product! Plus, the sausages are super easy. Just get a ball of clay and rolllllll!
Margo, feeling happy about herself.
Also included in the package? Sprinkles! For all your doughnut needs! There are 'pellet' sprinkles, and sphere sprinkles.
We used the sprinkles for a Lollipop.
And, in addition to my sushi, I added Wasabi and Ginger. Just bits of clay shriveled up.
I also made a taco...This is excellent for beginners aswell, just roll roll roll and fold.
I also made Masago, which is rice wrapped in seaweed coated with fish eggs (Caviar, as
professionals like me call it...)
We went ALL out! We made saturn, cookies, brownies, cupcakes, donuts...This kit enables a lot of ideas! Perfect for creativity...Not to mention it's delicious! Margo says it tastes like Hi-chew, but I have never tried Hi-Chew. But based on this kit, I will soon!
In total, this is everything we made... Actually, not everything, just the things we managed to save while munching them down. So, my rating for this kit is 10 out of 10! I love it, and theres lots of clay and ideas on the boxes, so let your imagination go WILD! Perfect for sleepovers and parties, as there are no real instructions and it's a Free-For-All game. One might even just un-wrap all the clays and eat them like candy bars...Even that is like making clay. Hey, candy bars are a thing!!!
I hope you enjoyed and make sure to stay tuned for cute, quick, affordable Christmas gifts coming soon.