
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sanrio~サンリオ Pencil Case

Hi! Recently, I went to a Little Tokyo. It's a place with TONS of Japanese things, basically, a mini Japanese Village. There's a hotel, bakery, (two) grocery stores,  a Zen Garden Restaurant, and a lot more I didn't have time to check out! Well, I went to the Sanrio when I went to Little Tokyo, and yes, I forgot my camera. (II-_-II) Anyways, Sanrio is like the creator of Hello Kitty. Basically, it's TONS of Hello Kitty things, a long with her other mascots, Tuxedo Sam, My Melody, and others. The walls are pink and there's Helly Kitty candy everywhere. Score.

WELL, enough Jibber-Jabber. (Wow, I spend too much time with my dad). Ok, anyways, I bought a Japanese Pencil Case there! It is the COOLEST. THING. EVER!! I brought it to school, to use, (duh), and everyone went CRAZY over it! Go figures. Just look at it!

Isn't it AWESOME?! Well, maybe it doesn't look THAT cool, YET. You just have to see what it does. But, you can't deny how CUTE and BRIGHT it is! The theme is My Melody (discussed earlier..) as a detective, with her friend, Vanilla! (Looked it up on a wikipidea. Click to see!) It's SO cute! What I really love is the Foe Lace on the top. It's. So. CUTE. 

This is the inside. Pink!
Ok, I know, I know. Still not impressed?! Well, you will be. 

See those little buttons on the side of the case? One is a Camera, hearts, magnifying glass, and bow!

Well, THOSE are THE coolest part. First, when you press the camera, in an instant....
Sha-BOOM! Out of NOWHERE, a BUILT-IN PENCIL SHARPENER POPS UP!? Now, this is AWESOME. I think they did a camera symbol for this because, like a cameras flash, it comes REALLY fast. Click!

For the second button, the Hearts, if you click it, a secret compartment pops out!

  It's really cool. Not NECESSARILY 'secret', but the logo 'M' on the top makes it look like the Logo of My Melody. Now, I'm REALLY not sure about why there are hearts, but maybe because the 'M' on the Lid of the Compartment  has a heart around it, and two hearts for the two M's, 'M'y 'M'elody? It's a guess.

      The third button is a magnifying glass. But this time, it activates something on the INSIDE, not OUTSIDE. To activate this button, open the lid, and... the button, and SHA-BOOM again! the Pens/cils pop up! Now, no doubt, there's a magnifying glass  symbol there, because the button makes it pop up, allowing you to INSPECT IT MORE THOROUGHLY. Hey, isn't that EXACTLY what a magnifying glass does?!
Now, last but not least, the Bow! If you click it, a ACTUAL Secret Compartment comes out!

Yay! See? You NEVER thought that would come out, did you?! It blends in with the case, so who would? I think there is a bow symbol because the SECRET HIDDEN COMPARTMENT is where you keep your precious things, that you don't want anyone snatching up. Why I think this? Because, to a average girl, what else would be super important, but a bow? Well, if you were ME, a really good book, some awesome foreign fabric, my camera....But, I'm not an average girl. And I don't think my camera would fit in that microscopic container. I wish...So, I didn't put my camera in the compartment, I put SQUISHIES in it! Squishies are the craze at my school. Hey, there are criminals at every turn in my class!! you never know when you lose a squishie, unless its in a secret compartment where you remember you put it there and then it's not there when you come back...

So, besides the AWESOME, AWESOME buttons, there is also this really cool calender! You set the date and then it changes the next day! It's really cute too, plus if you forget the date and feel to silly to ask, you just check.

The LAST thing is the back, it doesn't have any super cool Japanese Powered Things.
But, like the front, of course, it's cute.

That's all that I have today but I PROMISE, now that my life is getting more interesting, I will be poasting frequently.

P.S! AAH! I checked the Dashboard on this blog, and it said it had 200 PAIGEVIEWS! AWESOME! 200 people saw my blog?! Awesomeness.

P.P.S All fo this was made 100% by ME.


  1. Great job on your review of the Pencil case. I think the company should hire you as a spokes person for there products! Excellent writing keep those posts coming you're awesome. :) Love you Pops

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I had one like that in 5th grade. Best pencil case ever.

  4. I had one like that in 5th grade. Best pencil case ever.

  5. i have one but how in hell do u get the sharpens out of the sharpener?
