
Friday, June 6, 2014

"Sushi Panic" -- Japanese Game!

 Hey everyone~ Shelby here, and today I will be reviewing a Japanese game called 'Sushi Panic' Its all in Japanese, so it may confuse people. I'm here to clear up the confusion :)

We start out with an assortment on Plastic Sushi. When I saw the package I thought that it was some sort of Popin Cookin thing, and that we eat the sushi...yea, I was wrong.

Each plastic sushi has different weight. The highest weight is 3, and is quite heavy. The lowest weight is 1, and is light as a feather.

 Also included is a sushi plate. It is pressure reacted, and if enough weight is on it, it has whatever the weight was fling into the air, and the position shown above is seen. Now, you may be wondering, still "how do you play this game?" The object of the game is to pick a card and put the corresponding sushi on the platform, taking turns with all partners. It's like Pick Up Stix or Jenga, you must be careful, and the object is to have your opponent fling the sushi.

 I was upstairs once, and I heard a loud shout. I went downstairs to see what caused the ruckus...And my brother and dad were staring in awe at their sushi plate--Every last sushi was piled high. They chose to help eachother--They told me their goal was to do what they did, so now I know there are various options on how to play this Japanese Masterpiece. Competitive or friendly...

Overall I give this a 7/10 rating. Its just a rip-off of Jenga/Pick Up Stix, but still loveable. Since it is directly from Japan (Sent from my friend Isobe-San) they probably don't know about the former games. Another complaint I have is once the sushi is flung it is quite a hassle to pick up. So if you just cleaned the house, don't play this game!!

But, it is at the same time great. Cute idea, cute graphics, nice idea.

See you next time!!


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