
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Nail Polish Review~Milani: Top Toe Pink Color

Hi everyone! Today I'm reviewing Milani's Top Toe Pink Color for Nails!
 Color wise, I am in LOVE. It's a sweet pink with a little neon touch, the perfect mix of causal and "Eye-Popping." I'd wear it every time I do my nails, but I enjoy experimenting so I don't think that would be a possibility.

But, then, there comes that one down-fall. It takes FOREVER to dry. I waited 25 minutes and it was still a bit sticky. They could improve their Drying rate, so for those Freeze/Insta dry Lovers, your out of luck.

On another plus size, it has that shiny 'Wet look' to it that catches the eye of anyone. Enhance even MORE by adding just a touch of Top Coat. It's pretty cool.

 Overall, I give this product a Thumbs Up! I will be reviewing the Gold Glitter I put on it in my next post. Till then, See ya!

Bento "Side-dishes"!


 Hi everyone! Actually, a LONG time ago, I made these cute Bento Box Side-Dishes. I could barely bear to eat them! But I beared to because--Well, one was a bear!!