
Sunday, June 2, 2013

All Bento #4 -Rice Shaper!

Hi! Today, I will be showing you All Bento #4! What's a bento....?

Today, I will be showing you these 'rice shapers'.

It's this handy dandy thingy that shapes the rice into squares.


Here's the packaging!

I actually think it's REALLY cool how it works. One 'grass' (I shall call it)'hedge' (I shall call it) goes under, a layer of rice on top, then the other 'grass hedge' on top, to form the square. Then, you take off the top 'grass hedge' take out the squares, and you got rice squares! It's a simple mechanism,  but it's one of those things...

"I could've thought of that, but I didn't" Moment.

That's all for today! Watch out for All Bento #5 !


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