
Monday, June 24, 2013

Fairy House

I won't post much about this, since I only took one picture. There are more pretty angles, but I liked this one. Anyway, we went to the Glitterfest (My Mom, Me, my Friend and My Friend's Mom, My Mom's friend...) and I bought this little fairy house. I love it, it's so exquisite! Well, that's all. See you later!


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Flea Market Finds--Sanrio Umbrella!

A long time ago, (maybe 1, 2 years ago) My mom went to a Flea Market and found this adorable little Sanrio umbrella--Sizing perfect for an American Girl Doll or a Blythe Doll. Well, as I was re-sorting out my room, I came across the umbrella and felt like it was mandatory to show it's cuteness. So, here we are.

 What I love is that you can use it as a real Umbrella! There is a little button to un-button that makes it pop out-See below!
 When you pull up the little bead, the Umbrella increases size--Like any other! Secure it, and you have a real umbrella. What I love is that it's made with the same fibers/material as a real umbrella--so there's no doubt you can't use it! Japan has done it again.

 Not only does it act in the place of a real umbrella, it also has adorable designs covering up the outside!
 As you can see above, the writing says, 'Candy Cabinet'. I'm almost sure that that was the brand from Sanrio.

Now, let's looks at the little pack that came with it! It was attached to the umbrella.

When I opened it up, there was this cute little candy mint thing. No wonder this brand line is called 'Candy Cabinet'. All it's products, I bet, have a little candy. I'd give it to Preston or something, but the packaging suggests that this was produced in the 70's! Yikes.

 Not only does it come with a cute candy, but the cover of the 'booklet' is a sticker!
 Here it is opened, and closed.

 That's all for today, see you later!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Santa Monica Weekend Trip: 3rd Street Promenade

Ok, let us begin!

First, when we first entered the promenade, their was a gigantic fountain surrounding almost every square inch of the entrance. The sideline was filled to the brim with, nothing other than bubbles! I'm not sure if it was a Trick-Pulled-In-The-Night, or if it was a day to day 3rd Street Promenade event. I think it was the latter of the two, because a dinosaur was blowing out bubbles behind us!

As we started walking into the heart of the Promenade, we saw a Converse store! But this wasn't any REGULAR Converse store...No...It had...

My dad didn't even realized they were shoes until he saw this picture! For it to look like a 'real' American flag blur your vision a little. See?

Just like The Grove (also located in L.A!) They're are booths infested with cute Iphone (And Uphone!) Cases, Rainbow-colored candy with little kids crowding it resembling a school of fish, lanterns with a saleswomen turning them off an on to show how they work, paintings of sunsets, cities...These booths are literally a walking department store!

But you can't go wrong with the Oh-So-Not classic Garden-In-Glass! (No, it's not called that. I just...)

As I was strolling past these booths, we came across an adorable French Bulldog mix! We want one soon; so of course, Mom asked about him! He seemed to really like my family.

Oh--And not to mention the edge of the streets filled to the brim of clothing shops, toy shops, and Apple shops! (Apple, as in, Iphone, not as in 'Yum I like apples..)

Anyway, I was walking past Brandie Melville and couldn't stand not to take pictures of this TOTALLY Gypsy ready display!

As I said moments before, 'toy shops' cluster the street. Yep, we walked past seven, every time, just giving it a glance and walking past. But, my brother couldn't resists THIS store!

It's as if I could already here is constant screaming "YOUR GREEN LIKE A VEGGIE! Let's go to the forest..." On and on with his blocks, figures, and most of all Magnetic Tiles.

So, of course, this being the case, we walked inside. And, I was glad I did. Because, I saw this bag. 100% Japan. No--199%

Also in this toy store are Tinies! Tinies are glass figures, usually animals. Any toy shop you walk into your bound to see this cute display at the counter.

And, even more cute items at this Shop! Wow, we hit the Jackpot. Well, Preston picked up this-Yes-Stuffed Animal! Deadly Monster...

And who to think, Lord Of The Rings could produce such cute merchandise?!

Again, back into the Booths, I saw these lanterns! They were super cute--But I bet they cost a bundle!

Well, that's all for today, bye!


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Santa Monica Weekend Trip: Beach

 For Spring Break, my Family and I went to Santa Monica for the Weekend. It's funny, since we live an hour away from LA, (No traffic included.) and we took a trip there! It was really, really fun. The first night we went to the pier, then to the Beach. We played this game Preston and I came up with titled, 'Gingerbread Beach'. How it works is you have to run away from the waves, just as the Gingerbread man did to his bakers.

It was really fun. I will be posting more about the pier. :) <3


Sunday, June 2, 2013

All Bento #4 -Rice Shaper!

Hi! Today, I will be showing you All Bento #4! What's a bento....?

Today, I will be showing you these 'rice shapers'.

It's this handy dandy thingy that shapes the rice into squares.


Here's the packaging!

I actually think it's REALLY cool how it works. One 'grass' (I shall call it)'hedge' (I shall call it) goes under, a layer of rice on top, then the other 'grass hedge' on top, to form the square. Then, you take off the top 'grass hedge' take out the squares, and you got rice squares! It's a simple mechanism,  but it's one of those things...

"I could've thought of that, but I didn't" Moment.

That's all for today! Watch out for All Bento #5 !
