
Sunday, March 23, 2014

EOS Lip Balm - Watermelon - Review

 Hey everyone!! Shelby here and today we will be reviewing the EOS Watermelon Lip Balm. I have a post on five other EOS, so click here to see!

Anyway, I got the Basket Of Fruit 4 pack because 1. I was DYING for it 2. they FINALLY had it in stock on the official EOS purchasing website (Click to go to it) 3. It had limited edition Watermelon.

Now, sadly, since the 4 pack was Limited Edition, the website doesn't carry it anymore, but there are plenty of bids and direct sells for the 4pack on Ebay, and plenty on Amazon aswell!

I've been stalking the EOS website to see if the 4pack was ever in stock, and when it was I pounced.

I will just review the Limited Edition Watermelon because I posted a review on the other three on this link.

Okay, done with all those crazy side links, let's get to the review!

The color is a mix of the Summer Fruit and Rasberry Pomegranate Lip Balms, sunset colored rather than a darker hue or a very light hue. I like the color, though it COULD be mistaken for other EOS lip balms. 

The smell is ACTUALLY like watermelon, with a light and breezy scent, nothing too strong. Like other EOS lip balms, it glides on easy and is only a thin coat of a lip balm, instead of thick. 

I give this a 5/5, I like it a lot :)

I hope you enjoyed my review, see you next time


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Momiji Doll - BFF BUDDY

Hey everyone! Shelby here and today I'm going to show you a Momiji doll I got for Xmas. I had seen these at Mitsuwa's Bookstore, and thought they were adorable! Momiji are Messagle dolls, but also a collecters item. There is the classic collection, which my Panda Girl is from, Animal Collection, and much much more!

This is what the doll looks like, about 6 inches tall. Mine is purple, with a purple Panda Suit and Purple shaded hair. She has not to detailed Manga eyes, but the Kawaii Simplistic face look suits her.

Now, my FAVORITE PART! With a certian dark purple outfit, this pop of bright color is just perfection. Her pack is a bright yellow, with white clips and a beautiful rainbow strap. This particular Doll takes on the Japanese Street Style look, with bright, fluffy outfits and dyed hair. Keep in mind this is a panda suit, not a panda doll...

Now to the Message Doll part. On the base of the doll, there is a slit with a note in it. You write whatever, a dream, a wish, put it by your bedside and it will come true! Momiji can also be used to Pass Notes, like you say "Jennifer, You are my best friend. Thanks for being there for me!" Then you give it to Jennifer, so on so on.

This is my wish, to get gold at my next few BJJ tournaments.

I can't think of ANYTHING wrong with this doll, besides the fact that the slit at the bottom to hold your note is very deep. I had to use tweezers to take the note out, which was a real hassle. I suggest putting a layer of glaze or such in the bottom, letting it dry, then the note will have less room to sink to the bottom.

See you next time with a Sushi Game...


Candy Kawaii Set - WARING: may faint of cuteness

Hey everyone! Shelby here and today we will be talking about this "Candy" Kawaii Sticker and Card kit I got a while back from Mitsuwa Japanese Market (next to the Checkout stands)

These are the two Packages, with are decked out with sparkles, colors, and big eyes.

 First, let's review the Pink packet.

 The first thing is gum..Just gum.
 Now, when I opened up the packet I found this little Guide to all of the "characters"
 But, when I saw this, I just had a fit of cuteness!!! PASSPORTS WITH ADORABLE CREATURES ON THEM! On top is a little mushroom girl, and on the bottom is her little Pet Poode! Decorated with stripes, and rainbow backrounds, these are adorable. I can't read Japanese, but the script is cute aswell. On the side, there is three holes, to put into a binder.
 And, lastly, the stickers!! Not only could you decorate anything with these, the little Angl wings and stuff are going to be put on the Character's bodies, as clothes and dress-up!
 I give these Packets 10/10 rating, it being a perfect, quaint little Kawaii packet, and only 100 yen.

Here's some photos from the Blue Packet :)

Hope you enjoyed!

See you next time,
