
Friday, November 23, 2012


I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I know I did. We went to my Grandparents' house-- they have a GIGANTIC backyard! There's an orange tree, lots of plants, antique stoves, and- oh, yea! The solid rock succulent fountain! This thing is so cool I felt like snapping off one of the drooping branches and keeping it!! These are some pics of the awesome plant!

Some are small, some are big, but all have their own style, and not one of them is bad, in my opinion!

I love how they actually made it a SUCCULENT FOUNTAIN! they use succulents as the water, and I know they didn't mean to do this but, the long succulents that droop down, (in my opinion) look like they replicate squirts of water shooting out of a fountain!

Oh, right! Before I go on, who could forget my BROTHER Preston?! He really wanted to be on the Blog so I took a pic of him and now, I shall share it!!

Anyways, the dinner was REALLY good! There was this AMAZING stuffing that was maybe even better than the turkey itself!! (shocking, I know). My family really was in the turkey spirit! And, the creative spirit! This year they went all out-- one of the desserts was a CANDY TURKEY! Take a look at this choco-tastic creation!
 Isn't that CRAZY COOL?! Candy corn feathers, Oreo back, this turking goes down to the SMALLEST details! I felt it was more like artwork than a piece of food! I kept doubting myself as I plucked off the candy corn wings and ate them... But at least i got this PICTURE! Also, my family ALWAYS has this Pinecone Turkey, I think it's SUPER cool! This year I got into the, ''blogging spirit'' you could say, and took pictures of EVERYTHING! My relatives got um... annoyed, you could say of me being a photographer, taking pictures of  the SLIGHTEST move... I practiced with a TON of random pics to make my lighting, angle, and what not really awesome! I think the Pinecone Turkey I took a ton of pictures of was the best pic of them all! Or maybe not... well, anyways I should stop blabbing- LOOK AT THIS TURKEY!

I think it's cool. Chef's Special!

Yea, that chef is definitely french! Or Italian... or japanese. No, French.  Ok, one last paragraph and one last pic then i'll let you people FREE of the dungeon-- Aka Marshmallow Panda's Thanksgiving post!

I saw this cool circle of light thing, but it was SUPER hard to take pictures of! My surroundings were pretty distracting because everyone was eating and I asked my mom if I could take pictures. Anyways, this light circle is like metal or something, but twisted metal. This was the first time my family had had this, and it was cool to admire.

 Yay! Isn't it cool? Ok, bye guys! and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Hope you all had a good time:)

PS: This was done 100% by myself...