
Monday, December 17, 2012

(Fumo) Unicorno Collection Pics:)

Hi guys! I know I haven't posted in forEVER, but I will frequently now!

So I did a Photoshoot with my (Fumo) Unicorno Collection. I don't have them all, but...about half. I re-named them and made mini personalities!! Ok, so I'm gonna show you them now.

 I think this one is REALLY cute. I like the layered look her mane features.

Her favorite color is baby blue, representing White or Blue.

Her favorite food is, you guessed it... Milk! Wait... milks not a food...right? Ah, never mind it's her favorite. Don't judge her!

She likes: Full bottles, girl colors, and shiny things. Dislikes: Empty milk cartons, cow meat, and dark emo colors.

On her free time she likes to go around into the sky playing around the fluffy clouds, to her they're milk.
                                                                     Milly K.

Her best friend

Her best friend is Lily Latte. She is magical and jumps onto Milly and becomes a 'Birth Mark.' She can come off anytime, but usually this how she travels. They met through a Milk Convention, and have been friends since.

Facts about Milly K: She talks alot, I mean a LOT. But the cure for this talking-itis is give her a glass of milk. She'll stay busy for a while.

Her name, Milly K. is kinda 'milk'. But, they took 'Mil' and turned it into a real girl name, Milly. Her last name is unknown, just a k. 'Mil' and 'k' is how you spell milk! Yea, pretty obvious.

When she was born she lived at a Milk Barn in the sky, living on a gigantic cloud, feeding off of its puffy marshmallow-y softness. Maybe that's why she loves clouds now?

Facts about Lily Latte: Lily Latte LOVES horns. She wishes she had some, and has a WHOLE closet off horns! Short horns, long horns, brown horns, white horns. She even has horns that light up in different colors!

Lily LOVES to skateboard. She even got a skateboard and one for Milly. She had the creator write 'Milkboard' on it and paint stripes; baby blue, white and gold!

When she was born she lived in a coffee shop, just a mile away from Milly's house. She was also a milk carton! She had gone to a trip to The Old Wizard's house to deliver a Latte. The wizard had mistook her form, for the Latte she was holding for him said 'Latte' right where 'Milk' was. He had said she was a very smart Latte, and she had turned into one! Thus she is a Latte, and is magical.


 This one is definitely a superstar! I like that she's like a rainbow, different colored stars on her sides.

Her favorite color is rainbow! She really loves all the colors, just not black.

Her favorite food is sushi. She loves it because there's SO many colors it comes in! California Roll, Cucumber. So many colors, so many choices!

She likes: The night sky, Revolving trays, cute animals. Dislikes: crying, gloomy days, bread.

She likes to go Star Blending. That's when her kind goes into the night sky and blends in with its stars. The kids who see the multicolored 'Moving Stars' have a great amazement, which gives Starry pleasure.

Facts about Starry: She was born as a beam of light when she was born. from the rainbow, actually. Which color? Actually, ALL! She was a bean spreading across faintly all of them, and when she moved a little rainbow covered her space. She became a horse after consulting with the Weather Queen, which thought Starry was worthy enough of living a life.

Starry is an expert Sushi maker, and she competed in The Sushi Games, 2011 July. All of the best sushi horses around the world were there, and she managed a 2nd place award! She had beat 40 others in this event.

Starry giggles a ton. Anything funny she starts laughing like crazy. Even say something funny and she'll burst out laughing. Like, "Starry!" "Wha?" "Puppies in cowboy hats and mustaches" "*laughs* Hehe!". See what I mean?

I think this one is sassy and cute. I like her color scheme! Very bakery style.

Her favorite color is Baked Bread Brown. And Fresh Farmed Red.

Her favorite food is, well, anything sweet! She definitely has a sweet tooth. Or should I say sweet mouth!

She likes: Ovens, Sprinkles, Smell of cake. Dislikes: Broccoli, Cold Treats, Farts. 

When she's not busy, she likes to go to her friends' bakery and test out new treats.

Facts about: Sweetie was born as a bakery treat, a cream tart with a cherry on top. Before she was eaten she pleaded to the costumer to spare her, for if she had 'lived' for 15 minutes, she would become a horse. This was true, and it's in All Magic Baking Rules Book. The lady agreed, and she waited. She became a horse, but without a mane.

Sweetie was born without a mane! Her friend, (Bakey) frosted a pink mane onto Sweetie, and added sprinkles. In a blink, it became a real mane!

 Sweetie is a great drawer. She loves Kawaii and draws it a lot. She usually draw Anime Cupcakes! She is allowed to post them on Bakey's Bakery Shop's walls.


I like this one's broken heart on its cheek!

His favorite color is-- Hmm...I wonder? Red! Yea, kinda obvious. Gooo... Red!

His favorite food is anything that's spicy, mostly Indian food at restaurants, he always orders a 8 and a half on the spice scale.

He likes: peppers, pine-nuts, devils. Dislikes: Lolly pops, white, hippos.

He likes to make recipes, spicy ones on his free time.

Facts about Pep-Rino: He has a love of spicy and peppers and whatnot because of his best friend, Guro. Guro's parents owned a small Indian restaurant and Pep-Rino loved it. Before Pep-Rino was, well, Pep-Rino he was a white horse with a white main and a white personality. When he tried spicy food, he instantly became Pep-Rino, a firey caring horse.

Pep-Rino is also Italian! Look at the name! Doesn't 'pep-rino' look even a little Italian? That's also why he loves spicy pasta, with a fresh slice of chili pepper on top.

Ok that's all! Thanks for reading! :)

P.S: Photography and Literacy words all done 100% by MYSELF 

Friday, November 23, 2012


I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I know I did. We went to my Grandparents' house-- they have a GIGANTIC backyard! There's an orange tree, lots of plants, antique stoves, and- oh, yea! The solid rock succulent fountain! This thing is so cool I felt like snapping off one of the drooping branches and keeping it!! These are some pics of the awesome plant!

Some are small, some are big, but all have their own style, and not one of them is bad, in my opinion!

I love how they actually made it a SUCCULENT FOUNTAIN! they use succulents as the water, and I know they didn't mean to do this but, the long succulents that droop down, (in my opinion) look like they replicate squirts of water shooting out of a fountain!

Oh, right! Before I go on, who could forget my BROTHER Preston?! He really wanted to be on the Blog so I took a pic of him and now, I shall share it!!

Anyways, the dinner was REALLY good! There was this AMAZING stuffing that was maybe even better than the turkey itself!! (shocking, I know). My family really was in the turkey spirit! And, the creative spirit! This year they went all out-- one of the desserts was a CANDY TURKEY! Take a look at this choco-tastic creation!
 Isn't that CRAZY COOL?! Candy corn feathers, Oreo back, this turking goes down to the SMALLEST details! I felt it was more like artwork than a piece of food! I kept doubting myself as I plucked off the candy corn wings and ate them... But at least i got this PICTURE! Also, my family ALWAYS has this Pinecone Turkey, I think it's SUPER cool! This year I got into the, ''blogging spirit'' you could say, and took pictures of EVERYTHING! My relatives got um... annoyed, you could say of me being a photographer, taking pictures of  the SLIGHTEST move... I practiced with a TON of random pics to make my lighting, angle, and what not really awesome! I think the Pinecone Turkey I took a ton of pictures of was the best pic of them all! Or maybe not... well, anyways I should stop blabbing- LOOK AT THIS TURKEY!

I think it's cool. Chef's Special!

Yea, that chef is definitely french! Or Italian... or japanese. No, French.  Ok, one last paragraph and one last pic then i'll let you people FREE of the dungeon-- Aka Marshmallow Panda's Thanksgiving post!

I saw this cool circle of light thing, but it was SUPER hard to take pictures of! My surroundings were pretty distracting because everyone was eating and I asked my mom if I could take pictures. Anyways, this light circle is like metal or something, but twisted metal. This was the first time my family had had this, and it was cool to admire.

 Yay! Isn't it cool? Ok, bye guys! and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Hope you all had a good time:)

PS: This was done 100% by myself...